The facts

Publié le par Message & Gehin

Wikipedia article

    According to the Wikipedia article, there has been 46 notable shootings in schools for a total of 170 victims since 1966. Two attacks in the 1960's (17 victims), 4 in the 1970's (15 victims), 3 in the 1980's (8 victims), 14 in the 1990's (including Colyumbine, 48 victims) and the huge amount of 23 shootings since 2000 and 82 victims.
    The deadliest of them was the Virginia Tech massacre on april 16, 2007, during which Seung-Hui Cho, a 23-year-old north korean student killed 33 people with his handguns. The second was the tragedy of Columbine as you can see in the video :

Bowling For Columbine, Michael Moore, 2002

    In this video we can see how the attack was short and deadly, and how people were scarified by this, during and after the events. Another film has also been made about this shooting, Elephant, directed by Gus Van Sant, in which we can see this school day seen from several teenagers from Columbine High School.

    Despite of the increasing of the shootings in the 1990's, no serious solutions were found, as proven by the number
of victims since 2000. In the next article we will see what authorities have done to prevent these murders and how it has been efficient.

François Message

Publié dans School violence

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Content : some interesting factual information.<br /> Appearance : good.<br /> Language : generally OK.<br /> how it has been efficient. - wo<br /> plus a couple of capital letters to add.